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Outsourced Marketing Department
Total: 10 slot-uri
Disponibil: 1 slot
Senior Brand Manager
Total: 10 slot-uri
Disponibil: 2 slot-uri
Nu mai sunt sloturi disponibile?Te putem ajuta cu un abonament de Marketing Execution.
How will your collaboration with us go?
Analizăși strategie
It takes from one week to 2-3 months, depending on the project and the depth of changes required. We start this process before the contract is signed, it is essential to better understand the project. And we can deepen/continue it with a full audit after we start the collaboration
Sometimes it just takes a little tweaking on your website, social media pages or Google MyBusiness. Sometimes they have to be built from scratch. Sometimes a complete rebranding process is needed. Either way, we use this step to lay the groundwork for the company's image and deepen our knowledge of the business.
Performanțăși ajustare
We can start communicating and promoting in the early days of the collaboration or after we complete the infrastructure. Our experience sometimes helps us to get immediate results, but often we need to go back to the creative process: hypothesis - test - implementation - analysis - correction.